Why Isn't Juan Worried About Revealing Himself on CNN?

May 22nd, 2007 8:13 AM

If an illegal immigrant can openly show his face on national television and divulge many details about his life and circumstances, apparently without fear of detention or deportation, how can Americans have any confidence that the government will enforce the proposed new immigration law?

At 6:43 am EDT this morning, CNN ran a segment sympathetic to illegal aliens, suggesting that the proposed immigration law created too many hurdles for them. "American Morning" host Alina Cho narrated the piece, which focused on an illegal Mexican immigrant in New York City. Among the details about him that were, with his obvious cooperation, revealed:

  • His name, apparently not an alias, is Juan. He is from Mexico. We saw and heard him in a completely open and undisguised manner throughout the segment.
  • He is a cashier in a wine store in New York City, where he earns $400/week. Considerable footage of the interior of the store and the street on which it is located were aired.
  • Juan has a "long-time partner," Reina, and two children. Footage of Reina and the interior of his apartment were shown.
  • Reina is apparently also an illegal, since we were told she would have to pay the same $5,000 fine as Juan
  • We were shown footage of what was apparently the outside of Juan's home, and of his neighborhood, with Juan, Reina and the children walking down the street.
  • We were told that Juan's goal is to open a tae-kwan-do studio, and we saw Juan working out inside such a studio.

Cho suggested that the proposed new path to citizenship was very difficult, and quoted Juan as saying the bill is a "trick," in that he's worried that once he returns to Mexico, as required under the proposed law, the U.S. government won't let him back in the country. CNN aired a clip of a representative of the "New York Immigration Coalition" arguing the process was "so complicated" and should be made easier.

Given all the information about Juan, his family, job and home that the segment revealed, you would think an investigator could determine his identity with ease. Yet Juan was obviously unconcerned about that possibility. If illegals can so brazenly identify themselves under current law, why should Americans have any confidence that the government will strictly apply future regulations that would call for massive administration and enforcement for millions of people?

Contact Mark at mark@gunhill.net