Editor’s Pick: Hot Air on Rumors of CNN+ Layoffs...Days After Launch

March 31st, 2022 10:49 AM

On Wednesday, Hot Air senior editor Allahpundit reported on rumors that CNN+ may already be contemplating layoffs, just days after the news streaming service launched: “I’m torn between skepticism and credulity....a concept like CNN+ seems doomed to fail quickly, no? Which demographic out there is willing to pay money for more content from a cable network that’s chronically in third place in the ratings?”

“That’s a bad bit of mojo for a platform that’s literally two days old,” Allahpundit said of the whispers allegedly coming from CNN+ employees and reported by Fox Business correspondent Charles Gasparino. He then observed that “by entering a market that’s saturated with streaming services, it’s competing not just with Fox but with Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and so on. Who wants to pop for an extra six bucks a month to watch CNN+ when you’re already being soaked with subscription fees from half a dozen other services or more?”

Read the full article at Hot Air.