MSNBC Reporter Trumpets 'Fact' That Illegals Should Be Granted Citizenship

December 22nd, 2015 8:14 PM

Whenever a liberal includes "fact" at the start of a sentence, rest assured that whatever follows is usually more accurately described as opinion -- and dubious opinion at that.

This amusing phenomenon could be seen last night on Rachel Maddow's MSNBC show during a segment about South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham dropping out of the GOP presidential race.

Maddow was interviewing MSNBC reporter Kasie Hunt about Graham's departure from the campaign, with Hunt effusive in her praise for Graham -- 

The Republican establishment in South Carolina is so focused on him and Graham is a master political tactician. Nobody would want to cross him. They know what would happen but he has a network that really matters in the state and he really could, not necessarily with an endorsement, but with the role that he plays down there, could put his foot on the scale for one of these other Republicans and that matters very much to Lindsey Graham.

I mean, the idea that he wants, or the Republican Party needs a candidate who can win in the general election, someone who can appeal to Hispanics, somebody who isn't turning off women and swing voters, it's been something of a crusade for Lindsey Graham ...

An example of "crusade" creeping back into general usage, providing that it is absolutely never stated in regard to anything remotely related to Islam ...

... for the past several years, he did it in his own race. You remember he, you know, kind of cleared the field of any legitimate tea party challengers ...

Not to be confused with the (wink, wink) more numerous illegitimate tea party challengers ...

... but he ran his own race as somebody who was willing to say the courageous thing. He was willing to talk about the fact that undocumented immigrants should have a path to citizenship and he got up proudly and talked about those things and he wants to be that voice in the Republican Party.

Yes, that lonely MSNBC "voice" in the GOP.

Ever notice how rarely a liberal in media gushes over a Democrat saying the "courageous thing" ... The Second Amendment is second in the Bill of Rights for good reason ... Is there all that much of a difference between abortion and infanticide? ... Would the Allies have prevailed on D-Day had half the soldiers storming the beaches been women? (h/t for that last one to Pat Buchanan from last weekend's McLaughlin Group).

Were Ms. Hunt not so transparently leftist, she might have put it this way -- He was willing to talk about his belief that illegal immigrants should have a path to citizenship. 

It's always "courageous" to liberals when conservatives espouse what liberals believe and most conservatives don't. In this context, "evolved" is sometimes used in place of "courage," as in -- His politics evolved over the years to the point where they were indistinguishable from those held by most MSNBC reporters.