Nancy Pelosi's Genuine Imitation Bible Quotations

April 24th, 2008 1:34 PM

A Bible quote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi often uses to justify her environmental agenda doesn't exist, biblical scholars tell reporter Pete Winn. Pelosi last cited the fictional Bible passage two days ago to commemorate Earth Day. In her April 22 news release, Pelosi said, "The Bible tells us in the Old Testament, 'To minister to the needs of God's creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us.'"

A professor at Yale Divinity School tells Winn it’s not even a close paraphrase of anything in the Bible, and a professor of Old Testament at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary says Pelosi’s Bible quote is completely "fictional." A Roman Catholic doctor of scripture adds that it can’t be found "even in pieces or bits." In addition to her recent news release, Pelosi’s "verbatim" citing of the quote goes back to at least 2005, Winn’s research shows the mistake repeating:

– A 2005 Christmas message to the U.S. House.

– A 2007 speech to U.S. House Science and Technology Committee.

– A 2007 Earth Day message.

– In 2007 congressional remarks before Easter recess.

– A 2007 PBS television interview

– A 2007 speech to League of Conservation Voters in Washington, DC.

Baptist expert Claude Mariottini told Winn that he doesn't think Pelosi is either mis-remembering or mis-paraphrasing. "People try to use the Bible to give authority to what they are trying to say," he said. "(This) is one of those texts that you fabricate in order to support what you want to say."