Out of This World: 'Supergirl' Villains Try to 'Forcibly Deport' Aliens

March 6th, 2017 11:23 PM

After one clearly unsuccessful story regarding immigration, Supergirl apparently thought it was ready for another try. Spoiler alert: the CW show does not improve the second time around. This week comes with a new healthy dose of pro-illegal immigrant muck.

In the March 6th episode “Exodus,” the evil organization Cadmus begins rounding up innocent alien (literally extraterrestrial) civilians to be “forcibly deported” (actual quote) off the planet. Isn’t it a little odd how the bad guys' plan sounds eerily similar to how liberals paint the recent ICE raids? After all, the aliens are just innocent people being forced back to worlds filled with “famine and poverty and genocide.”

First off, if they wanted to be realistic about illegal immigrant problems in this country, there would at least be a few of those aliens who either A.) were previously deported multiple times or B.) committed horrible crimes, sometimes both. Instead, we are told that all aliens are innocent and anyone who even considers them questionable are evil shadowy villains who exist only to be stopped by superheroes.

And these shows really see themselves as the heroes. In a later scene, Kara/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) speaks with her boss Snapper Carr (Ian Gomez) who warns her of the dire consequences of mistakes in reporting: “one misattributed quote from a candidate and you put a fascist in the White House.” Considering the only president in Supergirl's world is their beloved Lynda Carter, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to wonder which president the show is warning against.

Apparently, it’s Supergirl’s job to remind us that illegal immigrants are fine but our sitting president could be a fascist. It’s only in these fictional worlds where that can be considered heroic.